Workforce Governance

Workforce Governance 

Workforce governance ensures that every employee on your team understands what good performance looks like and what they need to do to deliver excellent services. WorkAccord provides consultation and actionable plans to help your employees improve how they work and identify areas that need additional support.
Accord Building
Assurance and Quality 
Look for opportunities for change within your organisation. Maintain close attention to detail to create an actionable plan that improves your services and employee well-being. 
Human Resources
Understand how to support existing employees and how to recruit new employees using real world tasks and simulations.
Human Rights Protection
Protect your employees and establish leadership support within your organisation. 
Raise ideas for improvement and innovations. Encourage employees to present their ideas to a supportive leadership team. 


Probity means having strong moral principles that will help your organisation navigate competition, consumer protection, privacy, and whistleblowing.

How will you maintain your values when faced with legal and ethical issues down the road?
Professional Conduct Codes
Establish rules and regulations for any external or internal issues that arise at your company. Ensure employees know where to go to resolve conflict healthily so as not to disrupt productivity.
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Service Networks & Labour Supply Chains
In order to deliver the most effective services to your clients, what steps do you have to take? What chains of command must be in place to optimise productivity? How do you adapt these to different projects?
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Workforce Design
Taking into account the unique context of your organisation, we optimise your roles and responsibilities to ensure more effective service delivery.
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Understand Your Organization to Deliver Better Services
Learn more about our workforce governance projects and services. 
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